
Closing the mobility gap.

How many times have you been in a situation in which walking was too far or not comfortable enough (bad weather, difficulty to walk, heavy bags to carry, kids acting out…), but too short to consider taking a suitable vehicle? It’s a situation that is bound to happen more and more due to the following trends in society:

Scale. Growing populations and urbanisation are leading to bigger cities and transfer hubs, creating distances that stretch beyond the ‘walkable’, especially for the ageing population.

Sustainability. Cities are looking to expand the quality and value of public space, often by banning cars from city centers, raising the walking distances and the demand for new mobility solutions that are in synergy with their surroundings.

Multi Modality. As individual mobility becomes disconnected from ownership, people travel more and more multi-modal. This raises the need for last mile solutions and seamless connections between different modes.

Human Behaviour. We have become accustomed to a frictionless ‘one swipe’ behaviour, raising the need for ’zero threshold’ mobility solutions that fit our increasingly ad hoc decision making.

Changing Demographics: Societies are ageing, while current urban micro mobility services such as shared bikes and scooters are more suited for a younger population.

The need to rethink our urban mobility and find ways to ‘close the gaps’ was clear, and the mobility design experts Granstudio did just that. After several iterations, they defined and deposited in 2016 the Mobject concept.

Granstudio then developed the Mobject concept with the quality and feasibility that was only possible with their extensive automotive experience, and now created the startup ‘Mobject Mobility’ to allow the commercialisation and implementation of the project.